Positive Signals
July 07, 2014
First SynSignal Progress Meeting in Potsdam, Germany
Prof Wolfgang Meyerhof from the German Institute of Human Nutrition (DlfE) hosted the first SynSignal Progress Meeting on 18-19 June, 2014. It took place on the premises of the DlfE which offered the perfect space for the gathering of the academic and industrial partners from six European countries. SynSignal is a research project funded under the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission and is coordinated by Prof. Horst Vogel from the École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL). It aims at developing among others new therapeutics to interfere with cellular signaling errors that cause diseases like cancer and diabetes.
During the course of the meeting, the partners presented the progress of the six scientific work packages since the beginning of the project start in November 2013. A vivid exchange on the first results obtained and approaches on future tasks followed the presentation. The event was rounded off by an informative input on the olfactory and gustatory part of the research from Dr. Jakob Ley. Ley is the Director of Flavor Research from Symrise, one of the leading global companies in the food and fragrance industry.